Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009


1. Drive Smart
A well-tuned car with properly inflated tires burns less gasoline—cutting pollution and saving you money at the pump. If you have two cars, drive the one with better gas mileage whenever possible. Better yet, skip the drive and take public transit, walk, or bicycle when you can.

2.Buy Local n Organic
Did you know the average American meal travels more than 1,500 miles from the farm to your plate? Think of all the energy wasted and pollution added to the atmosphere—not to mention all the pesticides and chemicals used to grow most produce! So go to your local organic farmer to get your fruits and veggies.

3.Support clean, renewable energy.
Renewable energy solutions, such as wind and solar power, can reduce our reliance on coal-burning power plants, the largest source of global warming pollution in the United States. Call your local utility and sign up for renewable energy. If they don't offer it, ask them why not?

Also, support a national renewable electricity standard (RES). The Energy Bill signed in 2007 lacked key components that address our energy security and global warming emissions: a renewable electricity standard of 15 percent by 2020 and a tax package that will provide investment incentives for clean energy alternatives. Use our action center to urge your members of congress to support the renewable electricity standard and tax package!

4.Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
Especially those that burn the longest each day. Compact fluorescents produce the same amount of light as normal bulbs, but use about a quarter of the electricity and last ten times as long. Each switch you make helps clean the air today, curb global warming, and save you money on your electricity bill.

5.Saving energy at home is good for the environment and for your wallet.
Start with caulking and weather-stripping on doorways and windows. Then adjust your thermostat and start saving. For each degree you lower your thermostat in the winter, you can cut your energy bills by three percent. Finally, ask your utility company to do a free energy audit of your home to show you how to save even more money.

6.Become a smart water consumer.
Install low-flow showerheads and faucets and you'll use half the water without decreasing performance. Then turn your hot water heater down to 120°F and see hot-water costs go down by as much as 50 percent.

7.Buy energy-efficient electronics and appliances.
Replacing an old refrigerator or an air conditioner with an energy-efficient model will save you money on your electricity bill and cut global warming pollution. Look for the Energy Star label on new appliances or visit their website at to find the most energy-efficient products.

8.Plant a Tree, protect a forest.
Protecting forests is a big step on the road to curbing global warming. Trees "breathe in" carbon dioxide, but slash-and-burn farming practices, intensive livestock production, and logging have destroyed 90 percent of the native forests in the United States. And you can take action in your own backyard—planting shade trees around your house will absorb CO2, and slash your summer air-conditioning bills.

9.Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!
Producing new paper, glass, and metal products from recycled materials saves 70 to 90 percent of the energy and pollution, including CO2, that would result if the product came from virgin materials. Recycling a stack of newspapers only four feet high will save a good-sized tree. Please... buy recycled products!

10.Mount a local campaign against global warming.
Educate your community about how it can cut global warming pollution. Support measures at the national, state, and local level that:
Make automobiles go further on a gallon of gas;
Accelerate the use of clean, renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind;
Increase energy efficiency and conservation; and
Preserve forests around the world.

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009


Keindahan panorama alam seperti terumbu karang, rumput laut, dan padang lamun dengan biota laut yang beraneka ragam, hutan mangrove, gunung dan sisa hutan tropis dataran rendah, semuanya dalam hamparan yang masih alami sehingga menjadikan kepulauan Karimunjawa sebagai Taman Nasional Laut. Kepulauan ini secara administratif merupakan kecamatan dari wilayah kabupaten Jepara, yang berlokasi sekitar 45 mil arah barat laut kota Jepara. Luas wilayah teritorial Karimunjawa adalah 107.225 ha, sebagian besar berupa lautan (100.105 ha), luas daratannya sendiri adalah 7.120 ha. Daerah ini beriklim tropis yang dipengaruhi oleh angin laut yang bertiup sepanjang hari dengan suhu rata-rata 26 s.d. 30 derajat Celcius, dengan suhu minimum 22 derajat Celcius dan suhu maksimum 34 derajat Celcius.

Kekayaan flora dan fauna Karimunjawa membuatnya menjadi begitu mempesona. Daerah ini memiliki beberapa jenis ekosistem flora, yaitu ekosistem terumbu karang, hutan mangrove (padang lamun), hutan pantai, dan hutan dataran rendah. Di sisi lain, fauna pun bervariasi, seperti rusa dan kera ekor panjang maupun fauna akuatik yang terdiri atas 242 jenis ikan hias dan 133 genera akuatik. Selain itu, di lokasi ini terdapat pula jenis fauna langka yang berhabitat di pulau Burung dan pulau Geleang, seperti burung elang laut dada putih serta dua jenis penyu, yaitu penyu sisik dan penyu hijau.

Kita perlu melestarikan pulau nan indah ini.

Senin, 11 Mei 2009

Mozilla Fennec

Mozilla mengumumkan rencana untuk memasuki kawasan market smartphone bulan april, dan oktober meluncurkan first alpha debutan Fennec, dengan kompatibilitas terbatas untuk Nokia linux-based N810 internet tablet.

Mozilla Fennec berkonsentrasi penuh mengembangkan browser yang ditujukan untuk Linux dan Windows Mobile, tetapi karena suatu alasan pada akhirnya memutuskan expand ke Symbian, sebab symbian masih lebih dominan di pasar smartphone, ungkap Christian Sejersen, Mozilla’s director of mobile engineering.

“Mozilla lebih relevan ke pasaran smartphone, kita ingin menampilkan yang terbaik di symbian platform”, tambahnya. Symbian disupport tenaga-tenaga ahli dari Fennec. “Kita bekerja dengan symbian untuk pengenalan dan penguasaan suatu proyek, dan symbian mendukung penuh tim ahli Fennec sejauh ini”, symbian sendiri juga menunjukkan rasa senang akan kontribusi ini ungkap, Sejersen.

Dalam kurtal yang sama, smartphone dari Apple, RIM dan HTC (OS google android) juga berbagi market yang sama, tetapi Mozilla tidak berencana terhubung ke Apple iPhone, RIM BlackBerry atau berbasis Android, jelas Sejersen.

Fennec totalitas akan bersaing melawan mobile browser lain seperti Apple’s Safari Mobile, Google’s Chrome Lite, Opera Mobile dan Skyfire. Dari banyaknya mobile browser ini, mau pilh yang mana ?? sekarang terserah anda . .download disini

Save Our Earth

The Save the Earth Foundation functions as a non-profit public benefit corporation dedicated to the expansion of environmental awareness in our society. As an organization committed to raising public environmental consciousness by supporting scientific research and educational programs, we are optimistic that our work will have a very positive impact on the efforts currently under way to solve our earth's problems.

The Save the Earth Foundation embraces overall objectives which include: enhancing the quality of our global environment for the benefit of all people and promoting a better understanding of the effects our society has on the long term health of our planet.

The Save the Earth Foundation's research endeavors center on the selection and funding of environmentally beneficial programs within our institutions of higher education. In order to achieve our objectives we are committed to the continued support of vital research programs including:

Seminars and Workshops to coordinate and concentrate the research potential of associated campuses: Such as those held in 1989 at UC Davis to merge the efforts of all nine University of California campuses and their affiliated national laboratories.

Research focusing on the consequences of global warming through large scale modeling: Like the investigation under way at Duke University in their unique Phytotron Project.

Efforts to evaluate the current state of our planet's atmosphere: Similar to the endeavors of scientists within the Climate Center at Columbia University.

Studies centering on the psychological ramifications of our deteriorating environment: Analogous to the research currently underway at UCLA's Center for the Study of the Environment and Society where their efforts focus on interactions between the environment and social processes.

With the support of people from all walks of life we are confident that the Foundation's efforts will help to reverse the environmental deterioration of our planet. Thank you for your concern with regards to our planet's future.

The Save the Earth Foundation functions as a non-profit public benefit corporation dedicated to the expansion of environmental awareness in our society. As an organization committed to raising public environmental consciousness by supporting scientific research and educational programs, we are optimistic that our work will have a very positive impact on the efforts currently under way to solve our earth's problems.

The Save the Earth Foundation embraces overall objectives which include: enhancing the quality of our global environment for the benefit of all people and promoting a better understanding of the effects our society has on the long term health of our planet.

The Save the Earth Foundation's research endeavors center on the selection and funding of environmentally beneficial programs within our institutions of higher education. In order to achieve our objectives we are committed to the continued support of vital research programs including:

Seminars and Workshops to coordinate and concentrate the research potential of associated campuses: Such as those held in 1989 at UC Davis to merge the efforts of all nine University of California campuses and their affiliated national laboratories.

Research focusing on the consequences of global warming through large scale modeling: Like the investigation under way at Duke University in their unique Phytotron Project.

Efforts to evaluate the current state of our planet's atmosphere: Similar to the endeavors of scientists within the Climate Center at Columbia University.

Studies centering on the psychological ramifications of our deteriorating environment: Analogous to the research currently underway at UCLA's Center for the Study of the Environment and Society where their efforts focus on interactions between the environment and social processes.

With the support of people from all walks of life we are confident that the Foundation's efforts will help to reverse the environmental deterioration of our planet. Thank you for your concern with regards to our planet's future.